Spirit is defined as; an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms, a supernatural being or essence, an often malevolent being that is bodiless but can become visible, or a malevolent being that enters and possesses a human being. Over the past year I have gotten some clarity on the spiritual and physical aspects of my life and the lives around me. I have enjoyed know the spirit of other is with me through prayer and thoughts. I have enjoyed engaging with others physical lives as we can share an infinite spiritual relationship.
Spirit has been heavy on my mind for the past month. The Holy Spirit as it worked with me and the people around me. The spirit of my Father as he passed away on the 4th of July. My spirit as I listen and adjust to God's will around me.
I have increased my study of the bible and opened myself to the interventions of the Holy Spirit. Now, that can get a little scary or more dependence on God and less on my own initiatives. It comes truly in forms of income or changes in income and how I should go forward. God as a provider has taken new meanings for me and I have grown in my faith.
My father (Hudson Peavy Meacham, Jr.) became sick during my third week in Mexico. It was not serious at that time, so I came home and was able to be with him. He got sick in the hospital and went quickly. God was with him and I know he is with God now. How do I know, it is only through my beliefs in the Holy Spirit and promises of God through Christ. Hudson's spirit is with me today and will always be with me. I laugh at him looking at me and some of the things I do or don't do. It is a blessing to have spirits in our lives. Maybe this is an expansion for me in angels. Huddy is my angel.
I started 2007 with my track and know what God had in plan for me. I was going to be a missionary. I scheduled trips and made plans. But all along I stayed open to hear and respond to God's call (or pull) for me. I am sad my Dad passed away, but I am clear on where God is at work for me, today. It is caring for my mother. Being a friend and caregiver for her. She has given her life to me and my two brothers and our families. I am blessed that God has given me this opportunity to serve in this way. I feel the spirit of God in me as I care for her and I continue to open myself to respond to God's work around me.
My love and affection to all and blessings of the Holly Spirit, spirit of those you love and know and the spirit of your heart and soul as you go to tomorrow with God in hand.
Peace and Love,
Spirit has been heavy on my mind for the past month. The Holy Spirit as it worked with me and the people around me. The spirit of my Father as he passed away on the 4th of July. My spirit as I listen and adjust to God's will around me.
I have increased my study of the bible and opened myself to the interventions of the Holy Spirit. Now, that can get a little scary or more dependence on God and less on my own initiatives. It comes truly in forms of income or changes in income and how I should go forward. God as a provider has taken new meanings for me and I have grown in my faith.
My father (Hudson Peavy Meacham, Jr.) became sick during my third week in Mexico. It was not serious at that time, so I came home and was able to be with him. He got sick in the hospital and went quickly. God was with him and I know he is with God now. How do I know, it is only through my beliefs in the Holy Spirit and promises of God through Christ. Hudson's spirit is with me today and will always be with me. I laugh at him looking at me and some of the things I do or don't do. It is a blessing to have spirits in our lives. Maybe this is an expansion for me in angels. Huddy is my angel.
I started 2007 with my track and know what God had in plan for me. I was going to be a missionary. I scheduled trips and made plans. But all along I stayed open to hear and respond to God's call (or pull) for me. I am sad my Dad passed away, but I am clear on where God is at work for me, today. It is caring for my mother. Being a friend and caregiver for her. She has given her life to me and my two brothers and our families. I am blessed that God has given me this opportunity to serve in this way. I feel the spirit of God in me as I care for her and I continue to open myself to respond to God's work around me.
My love and affection to all and blessings of the Holly Spirit, spirit of those you love and know and the spirit of your heart and soul as you go to tomorrow with God in hand.
Peace and Love,