Mexico Mission Trip: Eleanor and David Meacham joined 18 other Presbyterian’s from six different churches in Salem Presbytery on a mission trip to Busilja, Chiapas Mexico the first week in July. Busilja is a village of about 500 Tseltál Indians near the border of Mexico and Guatemala. We knew a little Spanish going in but no Tseltál at all. The children were beginning learn Spanish in school but most of the adults new only Tseltál.
So, we made lots of grunting sounds and hand gestures to work together in building the foundation of a new church on top of an old church. Two local congregations were coming back together and needed a bigger church. The new church foundation is about 150 feet by 50 feet (see the picture Eleanor and Harless Wright (Boone Presbyterian Church) on the finished foundation. We worked on filling in the foundation with rocks and dirt, then compacting the dirt and placing a 4” layer of concrete for six of the ten days.
Everyone pitched in to help build the foundation bringing their own special skills and talents. One of our group members, Jason Logan was a mason and was so excited to lay the hand made blocks for the alter steps. Also, the women and children would form lines and pass the rocks into the foundation (see picture, the older women was the buddy leader for the children and women brigade). Near the end of the construction rocks were getting harder to find so we had to go out as groups and collect them by hand throughout the village. It was quite a sight to see the Tseltál women and children filling their shirts with rocks to carry back to their progressing church.
During the visit we were able to share our faith with each other and the villagers. We had four worship services. Two with the group we were working with and two with other local churches in other villages. We also had Bible School and a Health Fair, where each day more and more of the village children came. Our first sessions had about 40 children that could color all day if you would let them, and by the end of the week there were over 100. They were estatic to play with the balls and balloons we brought along but were most intrigued by Christians from USA and what we represented.
Both Eleanor and David gained immensely from the trip and sharing our faith and love of Christ with others. As we go through our lives here in Statesville we have a special love and affection for the Hispanic population and want to continue to share the love of Christ with those here and Busilja. Make your plans to go next year with Salem Presbytery. So, peace with Chirst to all in Spanish and Tseltál
Peace with Christ, Paz en Cristo, Lamal ótanõl tai storal Cristo.
So, we made lots of grunting sounds and hand gestures to work together in building the foundation of a new church on top of an old church. Two local congregations were coming back together and needed a bigger church. The new church foundation is about 150 feet by 50 feet (see the picture Eleanor and Harless Wright (Boone Presbyterian Church) on the finished foundation. We worked on filling in the foundation with rocks and dirt, then compacting the dirt and placing a 4” layer of concrete for six of the ten days.
Everyone pitched in to help build the foundation bringing their own special skills and talents. One of our group members, Jason Logan was a mason and was so excited to lay the hand made blocks for the alter steps. Also, the women and children would form lines and pass the rocks into the foundation (see picture, the older women was the buddy leader for the children and women brigade). Near the end of the construction rocks were getting harder to find so we had to go out as groups and collect them by hand throughout the village. It was quite a sight to see the Tseltál women and children filling their shirts with rocks to carry back to their progressing church.
During the visit we were able to share our faith with each other and the villagers. We had four worship services. Two with the group we were working with and two with other local churches in other villages. We also had Bible School and a Health Fair, where each day more and more of the village children came. Our first sessions had about 40 children that could color all day if you would let them, and by the end of the week there were over 100. They were estatic to play with the balls and balloons we brought along but were most intrigued by Christians from USA and what we represented.
Both Eleanor and David gained immensely from the trip and sharing our faith and love of Christ with others. As we go through our lives here in Statesville we have a special love and affection for the Hispanic population and want to continue to share the love of Christ with those here and Busilja. Make your plans to go next year with Salem Presbytery. So, peace with Chirst to all in Spanish and Tseltál
Peace with Christ, Paz en Cristo, Lamal ótanõl tai storal Cristo.
See More Photos: http://new.photos.yahoo.com/dhmeacham/album/576460762370819994